Words I Wish Mom Would Say to Me Now
I remember the first time I heard my mother use this expression, “If all your friends jump off a cliff, will you?” She said it to my brothers, who were in trouble. I think one of them laughed. And here’s an expression to explain why—she was “preaching to the choir”. They were boys.…
How to Make the Most of Your Days
I was born in Florida. I do not do well in darkness or cold. I am happy to be Texan only when the sun is out. Winter is to me what water is to fire. Lucky for me, winters in Texas have commitment issues. Any week in a Texas winter might contain both…
The Purpose of Life is Living It
Motorcycle daredevil Evel Knievel poised on his Harley-Davidson. (Photo by Ralph Crane//Time Life Pictures/Getty Images) It’s been a busy month for fear. Political mudslinging. Multiple active shootings. Ebola. The kind of ‘What next?’ fear that makes you want to stay home; turn off the TV and bury your head in a pillow. But what would…
Two Reasons Why I Won’t Cry for Summer
With just days before school starts, my granddaughter and her friends are working on their bucket lists. Don’t worry. It’s things they want to do before summer is over. Smarty Pants (my granddaughter’s chosen nickname) is a list maker. Lists, habits and routines are part of her persona. She keeps lists of what books…